Dear Readers,
Our theme this month is VoiceXML in action. You might recall that the February 2001 issue discussed various VoiceXML-related business opportunities in general. We now look at a couple of real VoiceXML applications that are being used every day.
In his article entitled Ten Steps to a Commercial-grade VoiceXML Application, T. Todd Elvins presents a ten step program for successful deployment of carrier-grade VoiceXML applications. Todd draws on his pioneering experience at Indicast Corporation, developing a compelling commercial VoiceXML application to deliver pre-recorded audio content to users.
Our second feature article this month is co-authored by Bryan Michael of BeVocal and Rachel McConnell of indigo egg. In their article, entitled City CarShare Reservation System: a VoiceXML Case Study, Bryan and Rachel present their experiences in developing a voice reservation system for a car sharing company in San Francisco using BeVocal Café.
In the First Words column, Rob Marchand continues to explore features of the VoiceXML language by further developing his VoiceXML-enabled pizza franchise. This month Rob demonstrates how applications can mix DTMF input with speech. Rob also presents the concept of tapered prompts and demonstrates how to implement them in VoiceXML.
This month, our Speak & Listen columnist Jeff Kunins, tackles your questions on authenticating users using voice, the <transfer> tag and more. If you have a VoiceXML-related question you'd like addressed in a future column, send us email at .
Jonathan Engelsma
Editor-in-Chief, VoiceXML Review

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