The VoiceXML Forum's Publication Board is looking for contributors for it's monthly VoiceXML Review e-zine. The current editorial calendar is as follows:
June 2001 - Human Factors Considerations
(Abstracts Due: April 1, 2001)
July 2001 - Testing VoiceXML Applications
(Abstracts Due: May 1, 2001)
August 2001 - VoiceXML Programming Techniques
(Abstracts Due: June 1, 2001)
September 2001 - Experience Reports: VoiceXML in Action
( Abstracts Due: July 1, 2001)
October 2001 - Server Side Technologies
(Abstracts Due: August 1, 2001)
November 2001 - VoiceXML Conformance Considerations
(Abstracts Due: September 1, 2001)
December 2001 -V-Commerce
(Abstracts Due: October 1, 2001)
If you would like to be considered as a feature author in one of these issues, please email the Editor () the following information by the appropriate due date listed above:
- Your name
- Which issue you would like your article to be considered for.
- A brief abstract (200 words or less) of the article you propose to write.
- The name of your organization.
- Your primary job function within that organization.
- Any additional comments you feel are relevant.

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