Volume 1, Issue 3 - Mar. 2001

March 2001 Features


An Introduction to Speech Recognition
By Kimberlee A. Kemble

Have you ever talked to your computer? (And no, yelling at it when your Internet connection goes down or making polite chit-chat with it as you wait for all 25MB of that very important file to download doesn't count). If you have, then you've used a technology known as speech recognition.

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The Fundamentals of Text-to-Speech Synthesis
By Juergen Schroeter

This article aims at building a fundamental understanding of the latest developments in speech synthesis technologies, such as why it is so difficult to achieve high-quality synthetic speech, and what is the state-of-the-art. After all, if your TTS is too low a quality, users may abandon the call, never to come back.

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An Insider's Guide to the VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting
By Greg Kohn

So what's all this fuss about the VoiceXML Forum's First Annual Users Group Meeting? This article offers an in-depth analysis of the event, with an eye toward how the meeting suits your needs.

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Be sure to visit the Archives to read articles from past issues of VoiceXML Review.

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