Volume 1, Issue 5 - May 2001

T. Todd Elvins

May 2001: Ten Steps to a Commercial-Grade VoiceXML Application

T. Todd Elvins, PhD, is Chief Technology Officer with Indicast. Todd founded Indicast with his partner Rob Fassett. Todd has 14 years of experience in gathering system requirements, developing software specifications, directing research and development, and Web application implementation. His previous job was Principal Scientist at the NSF-backed San Diego Supercomputer Center for the past 11 years.

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Jeff Kunins

January 2001: Speak & Listen
February 2001: Speak & Listen
March 2001: Speak & Listen
March 2001: Speak & Listen
May 2001: Speak & Listen

Jeff is a respected industry leader in the fields of voice application networks and VoiceXML technology. He is a frequently invited speaker at leading trade conferences, and is often quoted in press articles focusing on
voice technology. Jeff regularly contributes articles to publications including VoiceXML Review and WirelessDevNet.com, and is currently co-authoring one of the first books on VoiceXML development. Upon joining Tellme in early 2000, Jeff co-conceived, built, and managed the debut of Tellme Studio. Tellme Studio is the world's first and most popular VoiceXML resource suite that now supports a community of over 10,000 developers and 1,000 publicly deployed appliations. Currently, Jeff's team helps define and articulate Tellme's strategic direction for meeting the needs of Enterprise customers, and is responsible for all technical marketing, sales tools, and enterprise pricing structure. Previously during a four year tenure at Microsoft, Jeff led a diverse set of platform and consumer efforts including Microsoft Passport, Microsoft SILK advanced Web server technology, and Microsoft Cinemania. He is a co-inventor of patent pending technologies for distributed Web authentication and key management, and helped drive Microsoft's acquisitions of Hotmail and Firefly Networks. Outside of work, Jeff is a critically acclaimed composer and sound designer for live theatre..

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Rob Marchand

January 2001: First Words
February 2001: First Words
March 2001: First Words
April 2001: First Words

Rob Marchand is Director of Products and Services Development for VoiceGenie Technologies Inc. Rob has been with VoiceGenie Technologies since 1999, and has worked in advanced computing and telecommunications since 1985. At VoiceGenie, Rob is responsible for the VoiceGenie Developer Workshop (http://developer.voicegenie.com), and new products and services development. Rob is a member of the VoiceXML Education Committee, and of USENIX and SAGE, and a regular contributor to SANS. VoiceGenie is a Promoter Member of the VoiceXML Forum.

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Rachel McConnell

May 2001: City CarShare Reservation System: A VoiceXML Case Study

Rachel McConnell is Co-founder and Principal of indigo egg, inc., a San Francisco-based Voice professional services firm. She has extensive experience with VoiceXML and other Voice languages, having developed and
deployed numerous Voice applications on the BeVocal, Tellme, Telera, VoiceGenie, and Voxeo platforms. Rachel has won industry awards for her Voice applications including a top placement in VoiceGenie's Developer's Challenge.

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Bryan Michael

May 2001: City CarShare Reservation System: A VoiceXML Case Study

As Director of Enterprise Solutions, Bryan leads the strategic development of BeVocal's enterprise offering, which includes the BeVocal Cafe and voice hosting solutions. Bryan was the original product manager for the BeVocal Cafe, the award winning VoiceXML development environment (http://cafe.bevocal.com). He joined BeVocal with six years of software engineering and program management experience with Motorola- both in the US and as an expatriate in Japan. He has extensive technical and marketing experience in building wireless information systems and software development tools. Bryan led the successful launch of the BeVocal Cafe, a program that provides speech application developers a web-based environment for building complex, large scale speech applications using sophisticated tools and reusable components developed by BeVocal. Bryan has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Bryan is also fluent in Japanese.
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