Volume 1, Issue 5 - May 2001

IBM and VoiceGenie Are First Members to Roll Out Their VoiceXML Forum Portal Pages

IBM, a Sponsor Member, and VoiceGenie, a Promoter Member, have posted the first VoiceXML Forum Portal Pages. The Portal Pages are designed to steer visitors to VoiceXML-specific information on the external sites of those companies. The Portal Pages can be accessed at http://www.voicexml.org/member-pages/. All Sponsor and Promoter Members of the VoiceXML Forum are invited to create and post their own Portal Page.

The VoiceXML Forum's Boston Users Group Holds First Meeting

The first meeting of the Boston VoiceXML User Group was held on Tuesday, April 24, at Verizon Laboratories in Waltham, Mass. There were 40 people in attendance, representing over 20 companies. After a discussion
of organizational issues, Andrew Hunt of SpeechWorks presented on the W3C's Speech Grammar Specification. The group's next meeting will be held in June, with a speaker still to be selected. If anyone has plans to travel to Boston and would like to speak at, or just attend, the next meeting, please contact Dennis McCarthy ().

VoiceXML Review Seeks Authors for Future Issues

Having finalized its publication schedule for 2001, the editorial board of VoiceXML Review is seeking authors for future issues of the e-zine. If you feel you have something to share with the VoiceXML community, and would like to be published in the leading source of information about VoiceXML, be sure to consult the editorial schedule and the rules for submission.
Go to the Call for Papers

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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).