Volume 1, Issue 7 - July 2001

Mukund Bhagavan

July 2001: Testing VoiceXML Applications

As Technical Marketing Engineer for BeVocal's Enterprise Solutions Group, Mukund works closely with BeVocal customers to determine their needs and requirements in building voice applications, and to prioritize the BeVocal Café product roadmap accordingly. Prior to joining BeVocal in December 2000, Mukund was a technical architect for Fort Point Partners, where he built Internet solutions for large enterprise customers. He has also held positions as a developer for Sapient Corporation and a research assistant for the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Mukund holds an M.S. in applied Mathematics from the University of Illinois and a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Aarhus in Denmark.

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Rob Marchand

January 2001: First Words
February 2001: First Words
March 2001: First Words
April 2001: First Words
May 2001: First Words
June 2001: First Words
July 2001: First Words

Rob Marchand is Director of Products and Services Development for VoiceGenie Technologies Inc. Rob has been with VoiceGenie Technologies since 1999, and has worked in advanced computing and telecommunications since 1985. At VoiceGenie, Rob is responsible for the VoiceGenie Developer Workshop (http://developer.voicegenie.com), and new products and services development. Rob is a member of the VoiceXML Education Committee, and of USENIX and SAGE, and a regular contributor to SANS. VoiceGenie is a Promoter Member of the VoiceXML Forum.

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Bryan Michael

July 2001: Testing VoiceXML Applications

As Director of Platform Marketing, Bryan leads the strategic development of BeVocal's Foundation Platform, which enables the delivery of next-generation enhanced services to telecommunications carriers. Bryan was the original product manager for the BeVocal Cafe, the award winning VoiceXML development environment found at http://cafe.bevocal.com He joined BeVocal with six years of software engineering and program management experience with Motorola- both in the US and as an expatriate in Japan. He has extensive technical and marketing experience in building wireless information systems and software development tools. Bryan led the successful launch of the BeVocal Cafe, a program that provides speech application developers a web-based environment for building complex, large scale speech applications using sophisticated tools and reusable components developed by BeVocal. Bryan has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Bryan is also fluent in Japanese.

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Eric Tober

July 2001: Speak and Listen

Eric Tober is the Curriculum Developer at Nuance Communications. He joined Nuance in 1999 after concluding postdoctoral research in physics at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the IBM Almaden Research Center. Among his responsibilities, Eric creates Nuance's technical courses taught at Speech University (www.nuance.com). In particular, he has recently developed Nuance's VoiceXML application development course entitled "VoiceXML Voice Site Development." Eric is a member of the VoiceXML Forum's Education Committee and sits on the editorial board of the VoiceXML on-line magazine, "VoiceXML Review" (voicexmlreview.org). Nuance Communications is a Promoter member of the VoiceXML Forum...

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