VoiceXML Forum Now Exceeds 350 Members
Its membership having tripled in the past year, the VoiceXML Forum now features more than 350 member companies: 4 Sponsor Members, 29 Promoter Members, and 320 Supporter Members. The increase in membership has allowed the Forum to broaden the scope of its activities, including the formation of a Technical Council to support its Conformance and Education Committees, and also the creation of a Marketing Committee. For more information on the VoiceXML Forum, including a roster of member companies, be sure to visit the www.voicexml.org, the Web site of the VoiceXML Forum.

Computer Telephony Names VoiceXML as its "Paradigm of the Year"
In its annual review of "Products of the Year," Computer Telephony magazine named VoiceXML its "Paradigm of the Year." In explaining its selection, the magazine stated that VoiceXML "not only makes sense as a way to encode the structure of things like IVR menus, but also has significant traction in the marketplace." The editors also gave a "tip of the hat" to the VoiceXML Forum for "starting the march toward ubiquity for this exciting standard." Check out Computer Telephony's full "Products of the Year" list, and be sure to read its full write-up on VoiceXML.

Upcoming Event: VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting
The First Annual VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting invites individuals and companies who have an interest in VoiceXML technology to gather with VoiceXML industry leaders to share issues, knowledge and information about one of the fastest growing technologies in the telephony business. To be held 5 April 2001, this one day event, which will immediately follow Avios 2001 in San Jose, Calif., and intended for application developers, platform and service vendors, technology consultants and analysts, enterprise IT and call center managers, and executives, is the first person-to-person education and networking opportunity sponsored by the VoiceXML forum since it issued the VoiceXML 1.0 specification in March 2000. One year later, the industry has blossomed, and provides a chance to reflect on what has been accomplished, and where things are headed.
More information on this event, such as registration information and agendas, can be found at http://www.voicexml.org/users_group.html

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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).