Volume 1, Issue 1 - January 2001

January 2001 Features


What is VoiceXML?
By Kenneth Rehor

If you are new to VoiceXML, this overview article will serve as an excellent starting point. For those of you who have already been authoring VoiceXML applications with one of the software developer kits, platforms, and/or on-line developer "web studios" available from various vendors, this article goes beyond the syntactical elements of the language and describes the typical reference architecture in which the VoiceXML interpreter resides.

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Open Dialog: Activities of the VoiceXML Forum and W3C
By Gerald M. Karam

Even if you're already involved in VoiceXML technology, perhaps you'd like to know a bit more about the origins of the language. This article provides insightful background on the the VoiceXML Forum, the Forum's working relationship with W3C, and how to get involved in both arenas.

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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).