April 2001 Features
Introduction to the W3C Grammar Format By Andrew Hunt
The W3C Voice Browser Working has released a draft specification for a standard grammar format that promises to enhance the interoperability of VoiceXML Browsers and drive portability of VoiceXML applications. This article summarizes the key features of the specification and the application of the specification to VoiceXML application development.
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The Speech Synthesis Markup Language for the W3C VoiceXML Standard By Mark R. Walker and Andrew Hunt
A new set of XML-based markup standards developed for the purpose of enabling voice browsing of the Internet will begin emerging in 2001 from the Voice Browser Working Group, which was recently organized under the auspices of the W3C. Among the first in this series of soon-to-be-released specifications is the speech synthesis text markup standard. This article summarizes the markup element design philosophy and includes descriptions of each of the speech synthesis markup elements.
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