Volume 1, Issue 9 - October 2001

Article #1

The Interface between Next-Generation
Application Servers and Media Servers:
SIP and VoiceXML
By Eric Burger

The innovation and reach of the Web combined with the power of real-time voice opens up all kinds of possibilities for enhanced services and applications. In the IP environment of the next generation network (NGN), it is easier to combine web content with real-time, interactive communications. This is bringing about new types of converged services that go far beyond the PSTN replacement services of voice mail, messaging and IVR to wireless web media, network gaming and web conferencing.

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Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Engelsma orients readers to the articles in the October 2001 issue.

Read the Letter from the Editor


In this month's column, titled "Telephony Support in VoiceXML," Rob Marchand looks at looks at the tag and how it is used to make outbound phone calls.

Read this month's First Words


Jeff Kunins uses the October issues as the venue to explain heady topics such as the "mixed initiative" and linking.

Read this month's Speak & Listen

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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).



11 October 2001

The VoiceXML Review Publication Board announces its editorial schedule for the first half of 2002, and issues a call for articles. The Pub Board also introduces a peer-review process for VoiceXML Review articles.
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11 October 2001

VoiceXML Forum members to converge at SpeechTek 2001, which features a pre-conference workshop dedicated solely to VoiceXML.
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11 October 2001

The VoiceXML Forum's Conformance Committee announces plans for a Certification Program. The Forum also publishes its first batch of Sample Documents.
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