Volume 1, Issue 3 - Mar. 2001

VoiceXML Forum Readies for Its First Annual Users Group Meeting

The final agenda for the First Annual VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting has been posted. To be held the day after the closing session of AVIOS 2001 and at the same venue (5 April 2001; DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose, Calif.). The Users Group Meeting invites individuals and companies who have an interest in VoiceXML technology to gather with VoiceXML industry leaders to share issues, knowledge, and information about one of the fastest growing technologies in the telephony business. The intended audience is application developers; platform and service vendors; technology consultants and analysts; enterprise IT and call center managers; and executives. For more information about this event, including regstration an agenda, go to http://www.voicexml.org/users_group.html. Also be sure to check out the feature article An Insiders Guide to the VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting in this month's issue of VoiceXML Review.

VoiceXML Forum Celebrates Its Second Anniversary

The VoiceXML Forum recently celebrated its second anniversary by announcing the first annual VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting. Only two years after its formation--and one year after releasing the VoiceXML 1.0
specification--the Forum has grown from its original four to over 420 members. The Forum also celebrated some of its recent achievements, including activities in the areas of education, marketing, and conformance; the publication of its e-zine and interactive tutorials; and the announcement of the upcoming Users Group Meeting.
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Boston Chapter of the VoiceXML Forum Users Group Forms, Seeks Members

In a pilot program intended to build upon its charter to promote VoiceXML in the technical community, the VoiceXML Forum recently announced the formation of its first satellite users group, the Boston Chapter. Intended as a vehicle by which to carry forth with the ideas and energy from the VoiceXML Forum's Users Group Meeting in San Jose, the Boston Chapter is planning to hold its first meeting in late April. The agenda for the first meeting is expected to include a recap of the Users Group Meeting, as well as a discussion of the next generation of the VoiceXML specification. If you are interested in participating in the events of the Boston Chapter, contact Dennis McCarthy ().

VoiceXML Review Seeks Authors for Future Issues

Having finalized its publication schedule for 2001, the editorial board of VoiceXML Review is seeking authors for future issues of the e-zine. If you feel you have something to share with the VoiceXML community, and would like to be published in the leading source of information about VoiceXML, be sure to consult the editorial schedule and the rules for submission.
Go to the Call for Papers

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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).