Volume 1, Issue 3 - Mar. 2001

An Insider's Guide to the VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting

By Greg Kohn

By now you've most likely heard that the VoiceXML Forum is holding its First Annual Users Group Meeting on
5 April 2001, at the San Jose DoubleTree hotel. If you've already registered for the event, be sure to download the final agenda so you know exactly what's in store. For those of you still debating whether to attend the Users Group Meeting, this article is for you.

In a nutshell, the purpose of the Users Group Meeting is to get as many people with an interest, knowledge, or curiosity of VoiceXML into the same physical space. The intent is to create an open environment by which the VoiceXML community can share issues, knowledge, and information about one of the fastest growing technologies in the telephony business. So whether you're an application developer; platform or service vendor; technology consultant or analyst; enterprise IT or call center manager; or an executive, this is the meeting for you.

The first annual Users Group Meeting features 15 presentations by leaders in the VoiceXML community. Representatives from many of the VoiceXML Forum's the Sponsor and Promoter members will be presenting, including the Chairman of the VoiceXML Forum Board of Directors, as well as representatives from the W3C.

To avoid having non-technical persons suffer through highly technical presentations, and vice versa, the organizers of the Users Group Meeting have created dual tracks for the event: a technical track and an executive track (see Figure 1). Having trouble determining which track is best for you? Don't worry, since all of the presentations will be made available to all registered attendees.

  Executive Track

  • Business Opportunities Using VoiceXML
  • The Market Reading
  • The Mobile Internet
  • A Tour of VoiceXML 1.0
  • Cost Center Solutions Using VoiceXML
  • Conformance Activities

Technical Track

  • Applying the New W3C Speech Grammar Markup Language
  • Building and Testing Speech Interfaces based on VoiceXML
  • Building a Carrier-Grade Service
  • Server-Side Solutions
  • Experience in Operating a VoiceXML ASP
  • Trials and Tribulations of a Consumer Voice Portal

Figure 1: Presentations of the Dual Tracks at the VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting

During lunch, which is included in the admission fee, there will be 10 or so "Birds of a Feather" sessions run simultaneously, affording all attendees a chance to intimately discuss with colleagues and industry experts those topics of most interest to them. Again, these sessions will be broken down according to technical or executive interest level, assurance that you get the information most pertinent to your needs.

Finally, following the final presentations, there will be a three-hour networking reception open to all registered attendees. This forum is a chance for your to informally discuss business and technical matters with your peers in the VoiceXML community, as well as an opportunity to view some of the products and services of the VoiceXML Promoters and Sponsors.

For more information on the First Annual VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting, including registration information, visit the event's Web page (http://www.voicexml.org/users_group.html). Or contact , VoiceXML Forum Program Manager.

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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).