Article #1
The World Wide Web Consortium's Activities in Multimodal Interaction
By Deborah A. Dahl
Currently interaction with the web takes place primarily with standard web pages on desktop browsers. Newer forms of interaction, such as voice interaction and mobile handset applications, are also starting to become more widespread. Multimodal interaction adds new dimensions to the experience of interacting with web applications. It goes beyond GUI or voice-only inputs by allowing users to interact with applications in multiple ways, combining several modes. Eventually, input modes could include speech, keyboard, pointing devices, and handwriting, as well as other modes that might become popular in the future, such as gestures.
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Article #2
XHTML+Voice --- Bringing Spoken Interaction To The WWW
By T.V. Raman
XHTML+Voice provides a set of technologies for enabling WWW developers add voice interaction to Web content by providing access to appropriate features of Voice XML from an XHTML context. XHTML+Voice was submitted by IBM, Opera and Motorola to the W3C in December 2001 to help integrate visual and voice components of the W3C standards framework in creating multimodal user experiences. As a published document, It provides guidance to WWW developers on how various W3C technologies --XHTML, XML Events and Voice XML in this case-- can be used to bring spoken interaction to traditional WWW content without the need for creating a new language for that purpose.
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