Article #1
Human Factors and Voice Applications By Ed Halpern
So it's 2001 and most VoiceXML applications do not quite sound like Space Odyssey's Dave and HAL. But there have been giant leaps in speech recognition technology and voice services over the last several years. While the computer has not attained the sophisticated processing power of a human, if you understand the rules of user interface design and you know the limitations of the technology, you can create effective human-machine speech dialogues.
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Article #2
User Centered Design for VoiceXML Applications By Mike Farley
As a growing audience is exposed to VoiceXML solutions, will people use your applications while they quickly abandon others? Part of the answer to that question depends on how you address human factors issues during application design and development. Your VoiceXML application can avoid or address these issues - and retain more first time users - by implementing human factors wisdom in the context of a UCD (user centered design) process.
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Article #3
Turning GUIS into VUIs: Dialog Design Principles
for Making Web Applications Accessible By Telephone By Bill Byrne
There's no question that the compatibility of VoiceXML with the familiar and ubiquitous web infrastructure has greatly simplified the implementation of speech recognition applications. Instead of a PC, you can use a telephone; instead of HTML, you can use VoiceXML; instead of a web browser, you can use a "voice browser" (or VoiceXML interpreter). As we'll see in this article, good VUI design starts with a solid understanding of the most important differences between GUIs and VUIs and ends with the application of linguistic and social principles to the overall development effort.
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Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Engelsma provides an overview of the articles in the sixth issue of VoiceXML Review.
Read the Letter from the Editor
In this month's column, titled "How Much is that Pizza, Anyway?," Rob Marchand adds some server-side support to his highly successful (though fictional) pizza franchise.
Read this month's First Words
In this month's column, Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Engelsma serves as guest columnist. He uses the opportunity to advise readers on various VoiceXML issues, including how to get started, how to invoke VoiceXML applications using a telephone, and VoiceXML and internationalization.
Read this month's Speak & Listen
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15 June 2001
VoiceXML Forum membership passes the 500 member mark. The VoiceXML Forum now comprised of 4 Sponsors, 55 Promoters, and 449 Supporters.
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15 June 2001
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15 June 2001
Interested in writing an article for VoiceXML Review? The editorial schedule for the 2001 publication year has been announced.
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