Volume 1, Issue 7- July 2001

Dear Readers,

After last month's articles on human factors, by now we should all appreciate the importance of user interface design with respect to VoiceXML applications. This month we continue our quest for improving the quality of our VoiceXML applications by taking a look at testing.

Our feature article entitled Testing VoiceXML Application is authored by Bryan Michael and Mukund Bhagavan, both of BeVocal, Inc. The article covers a variety of strategies for testing application flow, recognition accuracy, usability, and performance. Everybody involved in large-scale deployment of commercial VoiceXML applications, needs to be familiar with the testing strategies discussed here, regardless of whether or not you outsource hosting to a third party or deploy your own infrastructure.

This month in the First Words column, Rob Marchand introduces us to ECMAScript. Rob's article describes what ECMAScript is, how it is integrated into VoiceXML, and how it can be used by VoiceXML documents for input validation.

In the Speak & Listen column this month, Eric Tober takes on more of your telephony-related questions. If you have a VoiceXML-related question we haven't tackled yet in this column (and I'm certain there are a few&), send us an email at .


Jonathan Engelsma
Editor-in-Chief, VoiceXML Review

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