Volume 1, Issue 2 - Feb. 2001

Article #1

The Voice Web: Commercial Implications of VoiceXML
By William Meisel

This article establishes VoiceXML as an analogue to the familiar realm of HTML. It then moves forward to address the various business opportunities and types of applications that have come into existence with the advent of VoiceXML.

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Article #2

Business Advantages of VoiceXML
By John Hibel

Examine the business advantages of VoiceXML, especially as compared to the traditional proprietary IVR approach to implementing voice applications. The article ends by emphasizing that the existence of VoiceXML product offerings and services, along with a flourishing development community, lend credibility to the assertion that VoiceXML is real and here today.

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Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Engelsma introduces this second issue of VoiceXML Review, and provides insightful comments on the articles within.

Read the Letter from the Editor



This column is designed to provide novice VoiceXML developers with foundational knowledge on the language and its various constructs. This month Rob Marchand tackles the issues of style and structure when writing VoiceXML programs.

Read this month's First Words



This column offers you the opportunity to send in your own VoiceXML-related questions and have them answered by an expert. This month Jeff Kunins explains dynamically generated VoiceXML applications using XML and XSL, and addresses the issue of VoiceXML compliance.

Read this month's Speak & Listen

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Copyright © 2000 - 2004 VoiceXML Forum. All rights reserved.
The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).



15 February 2001

Registrations are now being accepted for the First Annual VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting, to be held 5 April 2001 in San Jose, Calif.
full story

15 February 2001

VoiceGenie, a Promoter Member of the VoiceXML Forum, recently announced the winners of its $20,000 Developer's Challenge. The $10,000 First Prize was awarded for the "Who Wants to be a Villionaire" entry.
full story

15 February 2001

Jiffy Lube has announced it will use VoiceXML to create a voice-enabled oil change reminder service. The service, which will deliver a two-way actionable response via wireless phones, will be piloted in the Houston area beginning later this month.
full story






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