Volume 1, Issue 4 - April 2001

Article #1

Introduction to the W3C Grammar Format
By Andrew Hunt

The W3C Voice Browser Working has released a draft specification for a standard grammar format that promises to enhance the interoperability of VoiceXML Browsers and drive portability of VoiceXML applications. This article summarizes the key features of the specification and the application of the specification to VoiceXML application development.

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Article #2

The Speech Synthesis Markup Langauage
for the W3C VoiceXML Standard
By Mark R. Walker and Andrew Hunt

Among the first in a series of the W3C's soon-to-be-released XML-based markup specifications is the speech synthesis text markup standard. This article summarizes the markup element design philosophy and includes descriptions of each of the speech synthesis markup elements.

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Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Engelsma rings in tax season by introducing this third issue of VoiceXML Review, and provides insightful comments on the articles within.

Read the Letter from the Editor



In this month's column, titled "Your First Pizza," Rob Marchand creates a fictional pizza franchise to build and evolve a simple application to apply some of the things we've learned thus far.

Read this month's First Words



In this month's column, Jeff Kunins answers another batch of reader-submitted questions. Specifically, he tells how to incorporate recorded sound into an application, how to use VoiceXML on the PC platform, how to build a VoiceXML platform form scratch, and how to alleviate a common VoiceXML coding problem.

Read this month's Speak & Listen

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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).



18 April 2001

The First Annual VoiceXML Forum Users Group Meeting, held 5 April 2001 in San Jose, Calif., draws 220 participants. All presentations available for download.
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18 April 2001

VoiceXML Forum membership grows to over 460 member companies--including 55 Sponsor and Promoter Members and over 400 Supporter Members.
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18 April 2001

The Boston Chapter of VoiceXML Users Group announces the venue and agenda for the first meeting.
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18 April 2001

Interested in writing an article for VoiceXML Review? The full editorial schedule for the 2001 publication year has been announced, along with a call for papers released.
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