April/May 2007 Features
Standards for Multimodal Applications: Recent Activities in the World Wide Web Consortium Multimodal Interaction Working Group
By Deborah Dahl
Multimodal interaction allows users to interact with applications by means of a combination of voice, graphics, stylus and other inputs appropriate for the application, the user and the device. Multimodal interaction is especially valuable for interacting with small devices such as cell phones with small and difficult-to-use keypads. The World Wide Web Consortium Multimodal Interaction Working Group is developing standards that provide the basis for interoperable multimodal applications.
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The 2006 VoiceXML Forum Survey
By Mark Eichten and Jim Ferrans
Last summer we surveyed our membership to see how they were using VoiceXML, what they saw for the future, and how the Forum could better help them. We’d like to thank everyone who participated in taking the survey for their time and input.
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