January 2006
Dear Readers,
In this month’s issue of the VoiceXML Review, Kam Lung Leung (Advanced Voice Technologies, Inc) discusses three important design attributes of robust enterprise voice applications: extensibility, stability, and maintaining vendor independence.
Anne Johnson and Calista Fredericksen, participants in IBM’s Extreme Blue Internship Program share their experiences authoring XHTML+Voice and VoiceXML applications at IBM.
If you haven’t yet had a chance to read Jim Barnett’s Introduction to SCXML yet, you might want to take a look at it. Take a look at VoiceObject’s recently published article on Managing VoiceXML Applications as well. Both of these articles were announced in our previous issue, but if your experiences are anything like mine you tend to get behind on your reading and are looking forward to doing some catching up over the holidays!
Question submissions to the Speak and Listen column have slowed down a bit lately. It’s likely that you’ve all taken my previous advice to heart and are getting much faster responses to your VoiceXML questions by posting in the VoiceXML Forum’s Message Board. Nevertheless, we did have a number of “newbie” questions in our queue that we’ve deferred answering until now. Jim Ferrans (Motorola) addresses these questions in our Speak and Listen column. Feel free to keep sending in your questions to .
In our First Words column, Rob Marchand (VoiceGenie) finally concludes his series of articles on the new features of VoiceXML 2.1. Rob’s column includes a convenient list of links to all of the previous VoiceXML 2.1 articles he has contributed. You might want to bookmark this column for future reference.
As 2005 comes to a close we are always interested in hearing your thoughts on what sorts of articles you’d like to see us publish in future issues of the VoiceXML Review, as well as any feedback you might have on the e-zine in general. Please take a moment and email me your suggestions at: . Thanks!
Jonathan Engelsma
VoiceXML Review

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