VoiceXML Users Group Call for Participation
The VoiceXML Forum is beginning to prepare for the Spring Users Group Meeting, to be held in conjunction with the AVIOS Speech Developers Conference and Expo, from March 31st to April 3rd 2003, at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose California. The VoiceXML Users Group Meeting will be held on April 3rd.
In the past, the VoiceXML User Group has provided tutorials, technology overviews, and other such features to allow technology leaders to become familiar with speech technologies. VoiceXML is clearly now in the mainstream of speech application development. So for the Spring Meeting, the VoiceXML Forum is looking to the VoiceXML user community to share its experience to-date by provide live demos of their VoiceXML Technologies and/or sharing practical feedback on their experiences with VoiceXML.
Some possible topics would include live demos and/or experience reports in the areas of :
· Writing Portable VoiceXML Applications;
· Speech Application Development;
· VoiceXML Platforms;
· Speech Application Tuning;
· Deployment concerns;
· Grammar development;
· Systems Integration Issues.
Or pick another topic related to VoiceXML and the real world. Take this opportunity to pass along your successes (and failures!) and help the industry to evolve.
If you would like to participate in this UGM, by presenting a demo of your VoiceXML application or related technology or share your VoiceXML experiences, please submit a short abstract on the topic you would like to present to by February 21, 2003.

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